Admissions Process

You and your parents should complete and submit the following:

  • Online Application 
  • Please submit the non-refundable $100 application fee with your online application. To pay via Zelle, use the number 201-800-3401.


We will also need the completion of the following supplementary forms:

Once the school has received all documents, forms and fees, One Christian Academy representative will contact you to schedule a student interview. The interview will be conducted to assist the school in determining the following:

  • The commitment of the family to serving Jesus Christ in all ways, including education.
  • The parents’ support for school policies and procedures that will hold the student accountable.

Once the interview process concludes, all records, forms, and a summary of the interview will be forwarded to the relevant One Christian Academy administrator for evaluation. Should the applicant fulfill all OCA School admissions criteria, parents will be informed of the student's successful acceptance into OCA.

If you have any questions, please contact:

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